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XML Sitemap

XML sitemaps help search engines to crawl your website and find all the important pages of your site. Usually, crawlers simply follow links on your site to find all content. Implying that if your internal linking structure isn’t flawless, they might miss out on some content. This issue can be prevented with an XML sitemap. If you have an XML sitemap that lists all important URLs of your site, you ensure that crawlers will encounter these URLs.

The Yoast SEO plugin creates an XML sitemap for your site. It also allows you to include certain types of pages or not.

Beginners level

What is an XML sitemap and why should you have one? »

Here's everything you need to know about XML sitemaps: Why you should have one, what to include and how Yoast SEO helps you generate one!

More on technical SEO

What's technical SEO? 8 technical aspects everyone should know »

Is technical SEO a mystery to you? Find out which elements you should focus on to optimize your website for both SEO and user experience.

Must read articles about XML Sitemap

Recent XML Sitemap articles

Optimize your site's crawling and indexing by implementing the correct usage of last modified tags in XML sitemaps as recommended by Google and Bing.

Is technical SEO a mystery to you? Find out which elements you should focus on to optimize your website for both SEO and user experience.

Here's everything you need to know about XML sitemaps: Why you should have one, what to include and how Yoast SEO helps you generate one!

Browse through our XML Sitemap content posts. »

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