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The ultimate guide to content SEO

26 April 2023 | 2 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

Content SEO is a key part of any SEO strategy. Without content, your site can’t rank in search engines. It’s, therefore, crucial to write and structure quality content! This ultimate guide covers the most important areas of content SEO. Read on if you want to learn how to create content that ranks. What is content …

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The ultimate guide to content SEO

What is keyword cannibalization?

15 March 2023 Marieke van de Rakt

If you optimize your articles for similar terms, your rankings might suffer from keyword cannibalization: you’ll be ‘devouring’ your own chances to rank in Google! Especially when your site is growing, chances are your content will start competing with itself. Here, I’ll explain why keyword cannibalism can be detrimental to SEO, how you can recognize …

Read: "What is keyword cannibalization?"
What is keyword cannibalization?

Blog SEO: how to make people stay and read your post

11 March 2023 Marieke van de Rakt

When you succeed in getting visitors to one of your blog posts, you want them to stay and read your stuff. Readers (and especially first-time visiting readers) are bored quickly. You should grab their attention extremely fast and help them understand your blog’s main message. In this post, I will give five tips on how …

Read: "Blog SEO: how to make people stay and read your post"
Blog SEO: how to make people stay and read your post

How to write clear and SEO-friendly paragraphs

5 January 2023 Marieke van de Rakt

Crafting clear and correct paragraphs isn’t just about aesthetics. You shouldn’t put whitespace in your content just to make it look nicer. Paragraphs are actually a vital ingredient for readability, for both your readers and Google. So in order to create great content, you’ll need to give your paragraphs some extra SEO love! In this …

Read: "How to write clear and SEO-friendly paragraphs"
How to write clear and SEO-friendly paragraphs

Inclusive language and SEO: Does inclusive language help you rank?

13 December 2022 Sam Alderson

If you own a blog or a business, SEO is probably important to you. Then you also know that Google cares a lot about user experience. But there’s one aspect of user experience that’s often overlooked: inclusive language. But why should you care? Creating inclusive content is good for your users and your SEO. On …

Read: "Inclusive language and SEO: Does inclusive language help you rank?"
Inclusive language and SEO: Does inclusive language help you rank?

What is natural writing?

8 December 2022 Cindy Paul

No, it’s not writing about nature. It means you write in a way that flows well and sounds natural. As if you were talking to someone. Now, we’re not saying to write slang words and half-finished sentences, because that wouldn’t read very well. So, what is natural writing? Read more to find out! Write like …

Read: "What is natural writing?"
What is natural writing?