Software releases and updates archives

Recent Software releases and updates articles

Yoast SEO 11.3: Even more enhancements

High-time for another release, namely Yoast SEO 11.3. This release features enhancements and bug fixes aimed at improving the way your favorite SEO plugin performs. In this post, you’ll find everything you need to know about Yoast SEO 11.3! Plus, a word on supporting older versions of WordPress and helping people upgrade their PHP versions. …

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Yoast SEO 11.3: Even more enhancements

A story about Schema, structured data and robots

17 April 2019 | 4 Comments Edwin Toonen

Once upon a time, there was a little robot who came to a website to try to figure out what it was all about. The robot read some words and followed some links and thought: “Well, there are a lot of mentions of this particular word, so the page must be about that!” She sent …

Read: "A story about Schema, structured data and robots"
A story about Schema, structured data and robots

Yoast SEO 11.0: Structured data awesomeness

Structured data is incredibly important. Many of the current and future search enhancements are — or will be — powered by structured data. While search engines are good at reading content, structured data can help them to understand. Yoast SEO has supported some basic Schema markup for ages, but now we’re going much further. Yoast …

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Yoast SEO 11.0: Structured data awesomeness

Yoast SEO 10.1: Wortformen auf Deutsch

2 April 2019 | 4 Comments Edwin Toonen

A while back we released Yoast SEO 9.0. This was a huge release for us, as we made our SEO analysis smarter. Thanks to something called stemming, i.e. breaking words down to their smallest form to do complex analysis on, we can now detect word forms. Since then, improving your content has become a much …

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Yoast SEO 10.1: Wortformen auf Deutsch

Yoast SEO 10.0: Meet the new SEO analysis

12 March 2019 | 38 Comments Edwin Toonen

It’s been in production for many months, capped off with two months of beta testing, and now it’s finally here: Yoast SEO 10.0! Yoast SEO 10.0 features a new SEO analysis, based on thorough research and fine-tuned with your feedback. More than 100.000 people helped us test this release to make it our best yet. …

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Yoast SEO 10.0: Meet the new SEO analysis

Yoast SEO 9.7: Fixes and enhancements

26 February 2019 | 11 Comments Edwin Toonen

Do you know what’s inching closer? The release of Yoast SEO 10.0, featuring a new and improved SEO analysis! If you’ve participated in our beta test, you know what to expect. If you haven’t, please stay tuned! It’s only a couple of weeks away. In the meantime, we’re keeping up with our two-week release schedule, …

Read: "Yoast SEO 9.7: Fixes and enhancements"
Yoast SEO 9.7: Fixes and enhancements

Yoast SEO 9.3: Fixes and enhancements

18 December 2018 | 9 Comments Edwin Toonen

It’s an interesting time for WordPress users and plugin developers. Last week, WordPress 5.0 was released, one of the biggest releases of the CMS ever. Because it was such a big release, there were bound to be issues during the roll-out, mostly because of incompatibility issues between plugins and/or themes. Yoast SEO works well in …

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Yoast SEO 9.3: Fixes and enhancements

Yoast SEO 9.2: Getting ready for WordPress 5.0

20 November 2018 | 18 Comments Edwin Toonen

We are getting ready for WordPress 5.0 and the new Gutenberg editor — are you? In Yoast SEO 9.2, we’ve solidified our support for WordPress 5.0 to make sure nothing breaks when you update to the new version of the CMS. What’s more, we’re now using a brand-new WordPress API to get our eye markers …

Read: "Yoast SEO 9.2: Getting ready for WordPress 5.0"
Yoast SEO 9.2: Getting ready for WordPress 5.0

Yoast SEO 9.1: The Hacktoberfest Edition

6 November 2018 | 7 Comments Edwin Toonen

October is Hacktoberfest month! Hacktoberfest is all about contributing to open source projects together. This year, we welcomed a nice crowd at Yoast HQ to help us improve our own and other peoples open source projects. Some of these fixes and enhancements made by this fine group of people made it into Yoast SEO 9.1. …

Read: "Yoast SEO 9.1: The Hacktoberfest Edition"
Yoast SEO 9.1: The Hacktoberfest Edition