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If you want a website, you have to choose a domain. How do you do select the right domain name? Which extensions should you get? And what about sub domains? Get the answers to all your domain questions on our blog!

Must read articles about Domains

  • Getting rid of the www in your URL, or instead adding it, is quite easy, this is a simple explanation of how to do it.

  • Can your domain name help with rankings? Do you need to add keywords or your brand? How do you pick a domain name? We explain these and more in this post!

  • If you run an international business or if you'd like to become one, you're bound to run into this: What domain structure should you choose for your multilingual and / or multiregional sites? In this post we list the options you have and explain which one to select in which situation.

Recent Domains articles

Can your domain name help with rankings? Do you need to add keywords or your brand? How do you pick a domain name? We explain these and more in this post!

This guide will help you to move WordPress from one domain to another in 10 easy steps. Migration of a WordPress site was never this easy before!

If you run an international business or if you'd like to become one, you're bound to run into this: What domain structure should you choose for your multilingual and / or multiregional sites? In this post we list the options you have and explain which one to select in which situation.

Browse through our Domains content posts. »

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