What is the WordProof integration?

Together with WordProof, we’ve built an integration that will allow you to timestamp your privacy page. Using the blockchain, you can protect your content and help the web become more trustworthy. For yourself, as well as for SEO, since trust is a big factor for search engines as well.

Timestamp your content

  • Using the blockchain to protect your privacy page content
  • Proof when your privacy page is written
  • Making the web more trustworthy

Please note: This feature was deprecated on 2nd July 2024

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Why do I need WordProof in Yoast SEO?

In todays’ online world, where content is stolen, and fake news becomes viral in a split second, you want to show both your visitors as well as search engines that you’re trustworthy. But how? Yoast SEO now has an integration with WordProof which allows you to timestamp your Privacy Policy page and Terms & Condition page if you use WooCommerce SEO.

Timestamping means adding pieces of content to the blockchain to protect your content. Adding a timestamp to a piece of content, you can prove that the content exists, who the writer is, when the content is written, and when it was last edited, if so. With a badge or link, you can show your visitors that the content is protected. Everyone on the web can check what changes have been made in previous versions of the content. This makes the web much more transparent and trustworthy.

How does it work?

When you hear blockchain, you might think of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. But blockchain technology has many more possible applications. ‘Hashing’ is the application we’ll address here to explain the technology used for timestamping your content.

With hashing, you can generate a fixed-length string of characters from your data, like a unique fingerprint. The data input can be a word, a sentence, a longer text, or an entire file. The generated string of characters is the hash and the same message always results in the same hash. Changing the input a tiny bit, the hash will be completely different.

WordProof adds the hash to a blockchain transaction, after which it can’t be altered or removed. This hash, stored in a blockchain, is a timestamp. You can see the timestamp as a certificate of birth for your content. With this unique hash, timestamped on a blockchain, you can prove to people, search engines, and social media platforms that you didn’t tamper with your content.

With the WordProof integration in Yoast SEO, you can now timestamp your Privacy Policy page. By doing this, you’ll make your website trustworthy, and very important to us: together, we make the worldwide web more trustworthy.

What is the difference between Yoast SEO free and premium?

The WordProof integration is available in both Yoast SEO Free and Yoast SEO Premium. You’ll receive 10 timestamps per month for free. This means that you can update your Privacy Policy page up to 10 times and timestamp each version. When you need more timestamps, you can upgrade your WordProof plan.

Will you help bring back trust in the worldwide web? We hope all our users will! Together we can contribute to making the web a better place for everyone.

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